The Rebel Flag: Another Symbol Stolen by Nazis

I know some of my friends and family like the Confederate flag, the “rebel flag”. You see it as a symbol of independence and rebellion, or a stand against tyranny, or pride in your homeland or history no matter how dark. You don’t think of it as a symbol of racism (despite that over half of Americans think that).

Well, that disagreement ended this weekend in Charlottesville, VA. Anyone who sees that flag will soon see it as nothing but an extension of the swastika.

Continue reading The Rebel Flag: Another Symbol Stolen by Nazis

Introducing the Feature Debt Metaphor

How do you manage technical debt that isn’t technical?

How do you explain to managers and MBAs how certain choices affect software in terms they can understand?

How do you keep track of shortcuts in features, functionality, and UX? And explain how they cost more to correct the longer they’re missing?

With a new twist on an old metaphor, that’s how.
Continue reading Introducing the Feature Debt Metaphor

First Post

Obligatory meta post. This blog and its site will be about the things I care about. Which means creating software and websites and related activities, data crunching, research, philosophy, and other useful things. It updates when I have something to say worthy of your time. 😀

Featured Image: “Hello World” (CC BY 4.0) by Jason MacDee with stock from Good Free Photos (CC0).